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Tyresta - Södertälje bikepacking summer 2020


Tyresta - Södertälje bikepacking summer 2020


Tyresta - Södertälje bikepacking summer 2020

Collection von Jiddo

3 Touren

07:54 Std

143 km

1 210 m

Three day solo bikepacking trip between August 11-13, 2020 with 45-50km per day on the bike.I camped the first night in the Tyresta nature reserve at the supposed camp site near Bodudden. It turned out that it was completely overgrown and probably abandoned for some time. But it still worked out to camp there and I met up with another group of bikepackers who had also expected a camp site there. At least there were working water pumps!The next day I continued from Tyresta to the Lida nature reserve close to Södertälje. The area had plenty of amenities and was beautiful, but also somewhat crowded, both with people and wild rabbits.On the final day I headed back home to Stockholm and checked out some points of interest on the way. The Sankt Botvids Källa was definitely cool to see.

Auf der Karte



  1. Tyresta-Södertälje bikepacking - Day 1 - Stockholm to Tyresta

    38,3 km
    17,7 km/h
    320 m
    320 m
  2. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    143 km
  • Zeit
    07:54 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 210 m

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